I am embarking on one of my New Years goals. Not resolution, goal. I actually wanted to start this last year whenever it would come to my mind, I was avoiding it because I just didn’t think I was worthy of writing a book. I have always been a journal writer but as I get older it is harder and harder to find time or find myself awake enough at the end of the day to journal. I would really like to keep up with this blog too and make it a bigger and better blog. We’ll see. Anyway, I really wanted to write this book not only as a reminder of where I came from and a way to bind all my memories in one place (yes I intend on publishing it if not only for my own possession). I also wanted to write it so my son or future child as well to have a written record of what their momma’s life was like. I always wish I had that of my grandparents lives. _uacct = “UA-3803676-1”; urchinTracker();
Now as far as New Years Resolutions go, they say that by Valentines’ Day you have failed at them. The reason being is that you should never resolve to do something because it will never happen. You should set goals. Not just goals but descriptive ones. Here goes mine…
1. Write and possibly publish my book
2. Have a devotional time by following one of my plans on YouVersion.
3. Be a kinder wife by taking a breath before I start hammering my to do list down my husband’s throat.
4. Pray everyday
5. Spend more time teaching my son things at night even if I just want to sit on the couch and veg.
6. Start walking a half hour each day. Trying to at work and when we move at home. Work up to running again so that by August I can enter the Tim Russell Memorial 5K run.
7. Have the armchair that has been sitting down in my parents basement redone by the summer.
8. Meal plan once a week and have rotating meals.
And there you have it…Here’s to a great 2013!