Keep shining beautiful one, the world needs your light…
This week is my birthday week. I will be 37. I can hardly believe it. Seriously, where has the time gone? This year has been an amazing year for me. I have tried so many new things and become a better person for it!
Among those things- writing regularly for this blog, guest writing for other blogs, joining My Peak Challenge- getting active and healthy and being asked to join the writing staff of a blog (more on that later).
Not only has it been an amazing year for me, my husband has started to succeed too with his real estate business. I am so glad he is being blessed with that. It’s very exciting!
As I head into my 37th year, I can’t help but think what I would tell my 21 year old self. The girl that was not sure what to do in life. She had dreams and aspirations but she lacked the confidence and push to go forth and conquer. I decided to write down what I would tell her. I would also give her a hug and tell her ‘Go get them kiddo!’
Tara girl, listen, I have some things I want to tell you. Please listen and hear me out. I want you to do these things because it’s what is best for you. I am older and wiser and know what is going to benefit you.
Here it goes…
- Save that money and take a trip with Pap to Ireland. While you are at it, go over to Scotland. Your 35 year old self will thank you!
- There is a book series called ‘Outlander’. You might want to read it. There is going to be a tv show that airs in 2014 and you will become obsessed with it. It will create amazing opportunities that you never thought you would be presented with.
- Keep exercising, DO NOT STOP after you get married.
- Dang girl, wear your sunscreen! And for the love, don’t go to the tanning bed! You have British Isles DNA embrace it!
- Stop hanging out with the bad guys. Wait for the good one!
- Why are you in college? Don’t you just want to get married anyway?
- Those people you are intimidated by in the communications department, they are just as good as you!
- Join the college newspaper staff- quit being shy! You got this!
- You know that blog you are writing? You are going to want to stop writing in it when you move home from college. DON’T! You will be glad you didn’t later. When you are 36 you can say you have been blogging for 18 years!
- Stop worrying what other people think of you. Someone’s opinion of you, is none of your business. It is a waste of energy!
- Be confident in who you are, you do not need to be like other people. Embrace what makes you, well you! It’s not high school anymore!
- You will come to love the Farmhouse trend in decorating but you will make it your own.
- On December 5, 2003 when you are driving home from work. Do not break hard on the highway! You could avoid a roll over car accident- just saying!
- You will love to gather old things, like furniture and make them new again and it will start a creative spark in you.
- Don’t be fearful, try new things. What is the worst thing that could happen? You fail? Then you will get right back up and try again!
- Try Magnesium, it will be your friend!
- You know that writing thing? It’s not a one size fits all. You write how you want to write, in your own creative way!
- Take Financial Peace University now! You will be glad you did when you retire and your 35 year old self will thank you!
- Every little obstacle that you endure is making you stronger. Stay strong, push through, ask God for help and strength!
- Oh and keep those Adidas Superstars. They will be back on trend in 2017.
Great writing my dear daughter!