I got to speak to 2 close friends of mine. Aaron Hoober being one and Laura Rice being the other. One from my high school years and one from the past yr. God is and has used my friends to bring to light things that I hate to admit and things I dont want in my life. Talking to both tonight really helped. Aaron was thinking of calling me tonight and I ended up contacting him instead- God is just amazing sometimes. We both have been thinking about our close friends that we use to spend most of our time with. We knew every detail about each other and sometimes knew what each were thinking. Sigh. I miss them. Sometimes to the point where I cant breathe. Call me extreme or psycho but I had never experienced true friendship til I met them. At that point in my life- they were my world. And for that I was never ever the same.
Laura has been a close confidant for the past few months since weve hung out. And tonight she used a wonderful analogy for my life. You see I brought my brother over to her house the one day and he was sooo stiff jumping on the trampoline- he just needed to loosen up and he would have a blast. The trampoline is my life. As I ‘bounce’ or ‘jump’ through it – i have to ‘loosen’ up and allow God to be in control. I have to ‘shake’ off the ugly stuff in order to experience life for what I’m meant to. I may not understand why things happen down here on earth but God has it all figured out for His purpose. I just have to keep looking to Him and stop letting things get to me and make me question God.
“You are all I need when I’m surrounded. You are all I need if I’m by myself. You fill me up when I am empty. You are all I need”