So i cant stop thinking about Europe…its nuts i just feel it in my bones (strong ones at that lol) that i need to go….and I keep praying to God about it and the desire hasnt gone away (even though its been only 2 days but still!)
So Catalano is with me on my trip i guess…just got to plan a time…and save just a little more than i have in my savings….
Bizarre thing happened to me at the gym today….
this really loud lady goes EXCUSE ME WHERE IS THE BATHROOM?? (as i was walking into the locker room) and quietly i said in here and pointed to where i was going) then as i get off the scale she goes is that a scale??? (as she decides to go into the bathroom that is right behind me out of ALLL the other stalls that are not occupado!!! the door could have practically hit me in the butt if she went any further) and i mustered out a quiet….Yes (like DUH what do think it is? an apple slicer????
Yeah i was like ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? some people and their drugs!