It’s getting closer to yard sale season! I love yard sales as much as the next thrifty person. It runs in my blood I guess. My grandfather loved going to yard sales and he loved hosting them as well. As it gets closer to Spring, I’ve been decluttering. Oh let’s face it, I’ve been decluttering since before Christmas. I knew we would be getting new stuff, well the boys more so. I know I could just donate my stuff but where is the fun in that? I knew I couldn’t wait until it was actually Spring to have a yard sale so I asked my mom if we could have one at her church (the one I grew up in). I’ve never had a yard sale in February or March before. As I was setting up and pricing, I could not believe all the stuff we had in our basement saved for a yard sale! It was just plain ridiculous! I was almost embarrassed! A lot of it however, was the boys outgrown items. The reason I like to have yard sales is so I can get money for their no longer used items and be able to use it for things they need down the road. I also use some of it for my ‘rainy day fund’. Trust me, it has come in handy many times!
How I set up is, I group like items together. I have worked in retail years ago so I’m use to ‘merchandising’ as they call it. I place items as close together as possible as to not take up more real estate as possible, Normally, I try to price things that I think would be a good price but this time around I priced them to go. I do not want anything to come back in the house. Make clear signs to stick on furniture items and piles or bins of clothing. This makes it easier when the sale is going on that people are not asking constantly what you are asking for an item. Also have a FREE bin, people love this and it makes it easier for items you would rather not just through in the trash. If kids items don’t sell, I either donate them or save them for the big consignment sale I plan on taking part in in the area this April. I’d like to avoid having another yard sale in the Spring if I can help it. However, knowing me, I will probably find more to sell- sigh.
About a week before the sale, I post an ad on Craigslist and some Facebook groups I’m apart of if it is allowed. You can also ask radio stations and newspapers if they would announce your sale for free, if not it might just be a couple of dollars to have them post it for you. Also make signs that you can post at key intersections and near your house or the venue you are having your sale a couple of days before hand.
The day before I head to the bank and pull about $50 in change out of our account. I usually just do a couple of $5s, and the rest in $1s. We usually have enough change at home laying around. If you don’t make sure you get a roll of quarters, a roll of dimes and a roll of nickels. I put this in a bank bag that I keep in safe place during the sale. You could also have an apron with pockets if you have it. Make sure you have plenty of bags on hand to bag up purchases. I like to ask a friend to join me when I have yard sales, it makes it more fun and bearable.
I can’t tell you how much I love my cleared out room in our basement! I have more room to work out now and we have a clear path to our wood stove.
Update: I made about $60. I donated the furniture and have sorted the boys items Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter, that way they are ready for each sale. Friends who are local, please let me know if you would like to either have me help you tag your items if you would like to consign at the sale or if you would like me to tag for you and take them to the sale! I’d be glad to help! I made over $100 in the Fall at the sale! They do take a percentage (it is a consignment sale after all) but that is what I made after. This time I feel like I have a lot more!

I am excited for yard sale season because I like to keep an eye out for things for the boys. I’m also doing an exercise plan and would like a rowing machine, a exercise bench, kettle bell, and maybe some more weights or resistance bands. I’d also like a beach wagon.
What do you like to look for at yard sales? Leave me a comment and let me know!