I shared the Behavior Clip Chart from Neatlings on my Instagram a couple of weeks ago and wanted to report back how it is going.
It is going really well. Have my kids gotten all the punches on the punch card? No, but it’s still working. At least for my seven year old. He hates getting his clipped moved down. On the Neatlings site, there are three different options for this chart. We chose the bedtime option for added incentive. A punch card works in conjunction with the chart. Each time they end the day on green or above. They get a punch. My son comes home everyday from school and says I only have ___ punches left until I get to pick my next prize. It’s reassuring that it is working at school. Here is the link to the ones I used- Behavior Punch Cards. However, any will do . There are tons to choose from on Pinterest.
The only thing I have not figured out unfortunately is a reward he can pick from.
I thought about getting a couple of things from Target Dollar Spot or Dollar Tree. I thought about coupons for ice cream or a date with mommy. That sort of thing.
Give it a try, it doesn’t hurt to try things out and see what works best for your family.
* Thank you Neatlings for this awesome free download!*
Have a great week!