Not only do I want to do the ‘word for the year’ I want to start posting on here regularly.
I saw these words on Tebow’s insta and it is fitting for my word of the year.
Trust God. Trust His heart. Trust that He loves you. Trust that He has a plan.
I posted this on Facebook and insta:
I’ve been hearing a lot on social media about people choosing a ‘word’ for the year. Like for instance ‘contentment’, joy, etc. I decided to try it and the word ‘trust’ popped into my head. I have always had trouble with trust. People have broken my trust in the past by talking behind my back. I have had a lot of trouble trusting the Lord in a things. I like to be in control. It is hard SO hard to surrender control to Him. But why? Isn’t he the creator of the universe? Doesn’t He know the number of hairs on my head? Isn’t His eye on the sparrow? It’s because I can’t see Him. But then there is the word Faith. I need to have faith in what is not seen and trust that He is there and He’s got me.