Well it’s finally here, Easter weekend. The weather is beautiful in my neck of the woods and we are enjoying our time outside. Yes, we get the occasional rain storm but it sure beats cold temperatures and snow. Am I right?
Well since Easter is here, that means the time of Lent is ending. If you are wondering what Lent means, I will give you a brief history and summary. I love history!
What is Lent
Lent is a period of 4o days which corresponds with Easter in the Christian calendar. It begins on Ash Wednesday (which we all know can either be in the middle of February or the middle of March depending on the year) It’s a time of reflection and preparing for the Easter holiday. When Christians observe the Lenten season they are replicating the sacrifice, fasting and withdraw that Jesus went through in the desert. It is mainly observed by Anglicans, Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Lutherans and Methodists. Normally, Roman Catholics don’t eat meat and poultry on Ash Wednesday and on Fridays during Lent. That’s why you see a lot of Catholic churches advertising a ‘Fish Fry’ on Fridays in the Spring. A period of fasting was likely always observed at times before the Easter festival began when Jesus died on the cross. However, the Easter Festival wasn’t formally celebrated or observed until 325 AD (or CE)
Common things that people give up for Lent
People usually give up any one of these things:
- alcohol
- sweets- candy, desserts, cake, cookies
- social media (this day in age)
- coffee
- soda
- gossiping
- complaining
What did I give up?
Now, I must preface this by saying I am a non-denominational Christian. I do not believe that my identity as a Christian hinges on a certain church’s beliefs, regular church (although I do strive to do attend regularly), etc. My identity lies within who I am in Christ and my relationship with Him. I believe what the Bible says and try not to read into it too far. Anyway, I digress.
I have tried for YEARS to give up sweets. Last year, when I started My Peak Challenge (see my post on that program here), I thought I would, but for whatever reason, I did not. This year was my year. I told one of my best gal pals and my husband that I was going to do this thing, because I say I’m going to do it every year and fail.
However, my purpose for deciding this was not for religious/sacrement reasons. It was solely because I had a time period of measurement and felt like I could do it. My gal pal decided she was going to do it along with me! That is VERY helpful to have accountability.
I even gave up wine. I don’t consider this a sweet. But I didn’t go out and buy any of it during this time period. I still sweetened my coffee with a bit of Stevia.
Well, I’m happy to report, I did it! I succeeded in not having sweets the whole time.
My take away
You know what’s funny? As a result, I’ve become a candy snob. Previous to this I predominantly ate dark chocolate. As a result, milk chocolate wasn’t as appetizing for me. As Thursday rolled around, I was not really actively looking for sweets to devour but if the opportunity arose, I decided I would partake. One of my coworkers just so happened to get an extra pack of M&Ms in the vending machine and I was offered it. So I took it. Instead of noshing on it because, hey, I’ve been without for 40 days, I savored it slowly. You know what? I still have 1/4 of that pack in my coffee mug cabinet (‘mom’s stashing place’ if you will). I had one of my son’s miniature Reese’s peanut butter cups from the Easter egg hunt last week. It tasted gross to me. Maybe it was a dud, who knows! I will have to see as I eat more sweets this weekend. But I can honestly say. I am not obsessed with sweets like I was prior to Lent. Was it hard to stay away? YES! at times it was. It definitely got better. I made brownies for our trip to the family cabin and did not lick the spoon or even take a single bite the whole weekend. I remained strong. Because, hey, who doesn’t love a good snack or sweet when you are camping or at the cabin?
Would I do it again?
Sure! I think it’s definitely a good idea. It especially helps with weight loss and healthy eating. I will for sure revisit the option and most likely give it up again next year.
Did you give anything up for Lent or just because? Let me know down in the comments…
Happy Easter!